@liser.lu Philippe Van Kerm

Philippe Van Kerm

Professor of Social Inequality and Social Policy
University of Luxembourg

Campus Belval
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11 Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette

philippe.vankerm /at/ uni.lu

Research interests

Empirics of income distribution and social welfare

Applied labour, welfare, public economics
Inequality and social welfare: Measurement, modelling, inference
Income dynamics, social mobility, wage differentials, wealth inequality, health inequalities
Survey statistics, statistical computing, data visualisation

Selected publications

Montorsi, C., Fusco, A., Van Kerm, P. & Bordas, S.A. (2024), 'Predicting depression in old age: Combining life course data with machine learning', Economics and Human Biology, 52, 101331.

Alieva, A., Hildebrand, V.A. & Van Kerm, P. (2024), 'The progression of achievement gap between immigrant and native-born students from primary to secondary education', Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 92, 100961.

Doorley, K., Gromadzki, J., Lewandowski, P., Tuda, D. & Van Kerm, P. (2023), 'Automation and income inequality in Europe', IZA Discussion Paper 16499, IZA Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany.

Olivera, J. & Van Kerm, P. (2022), 'Public Support for Tax Policies in COVID-19 Times: Evidence from Luxembourg', International Tax and Public Finance, 29, 1395-1418.

Kyzyma, I., Fusco, A. & Van Kerm, P. (2022), 'Distributional Change: Assessing the Contribution of Household Income Sources', Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 84(1), 158-184.

Morelli, S., Nolan, B., Palomino, J.C. & Van Kerm, P. (2021), 'Inheritance, gifts and the accumulation of wealth for low-income households', Journal of European Social Policy, 31(5), 533-548.

Ozcan, B., Goisis, A. & Van Kerm, P. (2019), 'Do Children Carry the Weight of Divorce?', Demography, 56(3), 785-811.

Choe, C. & Van Kerm, P. (2018), 'Foreign Workers and the Wage Distribution: What Does the Influence Function Reveal?', Econometrics, 6(3), 1-26.

Sologon, D.M. & Van Kerm, P. (2018), 'Modelling earnings dynamics and inequality: foreign workers and inequality trends in Luxembourg, 1988--2009', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A: Statistics in Society), 181(2), 409-440.

Jenkins, S.P. & Van Kerm, P. (2016), 'Assessing Individual Income Growth', Economica, 83(332), 679-703.

Cowell, F.A. & Van Kerm, P. (2015), 'Wealth Inequality: A Survey', Journal of Economic Surveys, 29(4), 671-710.


Recently added material

Cristelo, D., Fallucchi, F., Jiang-Wang, A., Tenikue, M., Van Kerm, P. & Verheyden, B. (2024), 'Driving Behavioral Change for an Economic and Social Transition towards more Resilience and Sustainability in Luxembourg (SOC2050)', Report, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg.

Montorsi, C., Fusco, A., Van Kerm, P. & Bordas, S.A. (2024), 'Predicting depression in old age: Combining life course data with machine learning', Economics and Human Biology, 52, 101331.

Alieva, A., Hildebrand, V.A. & Van Kerm, P. (2024), 'The progression of achievement gap between immigrant and native-born students from primary to secondary education', Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 92, 100961.
