@liser.lu Philippe Van Kerm

Short bio and resume

Philippe Van Kerm is Professor of Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Luxembourg's Department of Social Sciences. He holds an MA degree in Economics and Social Sciences and a PhD in Economics from the University of Namur (Belgium).

Before joining the University of Luxembourg in 2017, he was head of the Living Conditions department at LISER where has also been scientific director (ad interim) and head of the Graduate Studies Programme. He held a joint professorhip between LISER and the University of Luxembourg from 2017 to 2023. He is currently Research Director at the LIS Data Center in Luxembourg. He has been a visiting researcher or research fellow at the London School of Economics and the University of Leuven and is currently a fellow at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (University of Essex), the Institute for New Economic Thinking (University of Oxford), the Stone Center on Socioeconomic Inequality (City University of New York) and ZEW Mannheim.

His research interests are in applied micro-econometrics, welfare and labour with particular reference to poverty and income distribution dynamics, wealth inequality, social mobility, wage, tax, social protection and social policy.

He is an associate editor of the Journal of Economic Inequality (since 2017) and of the Stata Journal (since 2018).

He was country team leader for Luxembourg in the EU FP7 project ‘Growing Inequalities' Impacts’ (GINI) and principal investigator on CORE and VIVRE research grants from the Luxembourg's Fonds National de la Recherche for ‘Advances in the measurement of discrimination, inequality and economic mobility’ (2007-2009), ‘Information and wage inequality’ (2010-2013), ‘Tax-benefit systems, employment structures and cross-country differences in income inequality in Europe’ (2013-2017), and is currently the national leader for Luxembourg in the NORFACE project ‘The impact of childhood circumstances on individual outcomes over the life-course’ (IMCHILD, 2018-2021).

  CV (2024-01-23)    
