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@BOOK{pvk-971, Author = {Cristelo, David and Fallucchi, Francesco and Jiang-Wang, Angela and Tenikue, Michel and Van Kerm, Philippe and Verheyden, Bertrand}, Title = {Driving Behavioral Change for an Economic and Social Transition towards more Resilience and Sustainability in Luxembourg (SOC2050)}, Series = {Report}, Publisher = {Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research}, Address = {Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg}, Month = {Jan}, URL = {https://luxstrategie.gouvernement.lu/dam-assets/documents/etudes/soc2050-final-report-022024.pdf}, Year = {2024} } @ARTICLE{pvk-961, Author = {Montorsi, Carlotta and Fusco, Alessio and Van Kerm, Philippe and Bordas, St\éphane A.}, Title = {Predicting depression in old age: Combining life course data with machine learning}, Journal = {Economics and Human Biology}, Volume = {52}, Pages = {101331}, Month = {Jan}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ehb.2023.101331}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2023.101331}, Year = {2024} } @ARTICLE{pvk-672, Author = {Alieva, Aigul and Hildebrand, Vincent A. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {The progression of achievement gap between immigrant and native-born students from primary to secondary education}, Journal = {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, Volume = {92}, Pages = { 100961}, Month = {August}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rssm.2024.100961}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rssm.2024.100961}, Year = {2024} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-941, Author = {Doorley, Karina and Gromadzki, Jan and Lewandowski, Piotr and Tuda, Dora and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Automation and income inequality in Europe}, Series = {IZA Discussion Paper}, Number = {16499}, Institution = {IZA Institute for the Study of Labor}, Address = {Bonn, Germany}, Month = {Oct}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:iza:izadps:dp16499}, Year = {2023} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-951, Author = {Mertens, Arnaud and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Commuting time and absenteeism: Evidence from a natural experiment}, Series = {LISER Working Paper}, Number = {2023-08}, Institution = {Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research}, Address = {Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg}, Month = {11}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:irs:cepswp:2023-08}, Year = {2023} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-782, Author = {Fusco, Alessio and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Measuring Poverty Persistence}, Editor = {Silber, Jacques }, Booktitle = {Research Handbook on Measuring Poverty and Deprivation}, Publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, Address = {Cheltenham Glos , UK}, Month = {March}, URL = {https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/research-handbook-on-measuring-poverty-and-deprivation-9781800883444.html}, Year = {2023} } @ARTICLE{pvk-921, Author = {Nolan, Brian and Palomino, Juan C. and Van Kerm, Philippe and Morelli, Salvatore}, Title = {The wealth (disadvantage) of single-parent households}, Journal = {Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science}, Volume = {702}, Number = {1}, Pages = {188-204}, Month = {July}, DOI = {10.1177/00027162221123448}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00027162221123448}, Year = {2022}, Note = {} } @ARTICLE{pvk-702, Author = {Olivera, Javier and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Public Support for Tax Policies in {COVID-19} Times: Evidence from {L}uxembourg}, Journal = {International Tax and Public Finance}, Volume = {29}, Pages = {1395-1418}, Month = {July}, DOI = {10.1007/s10797-022-09744-y}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10797-022-09744-y}, Year = {2022}, Note = {} } @ARTICLE{pvk-831, Author = {Nolan, Brian and Palomino, Juan C. and Van Kerm, Philippe and Morelli, Salvatore}, Title = {Intergenerational wealth transfers in {G}reat {B}ritain from the {W}ealth and {A}ssets {S}urvey in comparative perspective}, Journal = {Fiscal Studies}, Volume = {43}, Number = {2}, Pages = {179-199}, Month = {February}, DOI = {10.1111/1475-5890.12299}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1475-5890.12299}, Year = {2022} } @ARTICLE{pvk-791, Author = {Lisina, Anastasiya and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Understanding Twenty Years of Inequality and Poverty Trends in Russia}, Journal = {Review of Income and Wealth}, Volume = {68}, Number = {S1}, Pages = {108-130}, Month = {February}, DOI = {10.1111/roiw.12574}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/roiw.12574}, Year = {2022} } @ARTICLE{pvk-631, Author = {Kyzyma, Iryna and Fusco, Alessio and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Distributional Change: Assessing the Contribution of Household Income Sources}, Journal = {Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics}, Volume = {84}, Number = {1}, Pages = {158-184}, DOI = {10.1111/obes.12462}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/obes.12462}, Year = {2022} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-771, Author = {Sauer, Petra and Van Kerm, Philippe and Checchi, Daniele}, Title = {Higher Education Expansion and Labour Income Inequality in High-income Countries: A Gender-specific Perspective}, Series = {Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper}, Number = {837}, Institution = {LIS Cross-National Data Center}, Address = {Luxembourg}, Month = {May}, URL = {https://www.lisdatacenter.org/wps/liswps/837.pdf}, Year = {2022} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-821, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe and Salagean, Ioana C and Ametepe, Fofo Senyo}, Title = {La {COVID-19} au {L}uxembourg: Le gradient social de l'\'epid\'emie}, Series = {Rapport ``Sant\é pour Tous\'\'}, Number = {#1}, Institution = {Minist\ère de la Sant\é, Gouvernement du Grand-Duch\é de Luxembourg}, Month = {February}, URL = {https://liser.elsevierpure.com/en/publications/la-covid-19-au-luxembourg-le-gradient-social-de-l%C3%A9pid%C3%A9mie}, Year = {2022} } @UNPUBLISHED{pvk-861, Author = {Peluso, Eugenio and Ametepe, Fofo Senyo and Andreoli, Francesco and Genevois, Anne-Sophie and Menta, Giorgia and Salagean, Ioana C and Van Kerm, Philippe and Verheyden, Bertrand}, Title = {{COVID-19} and Gender Equality in {L}uxembourg}, Note = {Report to Minist\`ere de l'Egalit\'e entre les Hommes et les Femmes, Gouvernement du Grand-Duch\'e de Luxembourg}, Month = {March}, DOI = {10.13140/RG.2.2.20444.87683}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.20444.87683}, Year = {2022}, Note = {} } @ARTICLE{pvk-622, Author = {Sologon, Denisa M. and Van Kerm, Philippe and Li, Jinjing and O'Donoghue, Cathal}, Title = {Accounting for differences in income inequality across countries: tax-benefit policy, labour market structure, returns and demographics}, Journal = {Journal of Economic Inequality}, Volume = {19}, Pages = {13-43}, Month = {March}, DOI = {10.1007/s10888-020-09454-7}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10888-020-09454-7}, Year = {2021} } @ARTICLE{pvk-711, Author = {Nolan, Brian and Palomino, Juan C. and Van Kerm, Philippe and Morelli, Salvatore}, Title = {Intergenerational wealth transfers and wealth inequality in rich countries: {W}hat do we learn from {G}ini decomposition?}, Journal = {Economics Letters}, Volume = {199}, Pages = {10970}, Month = {January}, DOI = {10.1016/j.econlet.2020.109701}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2020.109701}, Year = {2021} } @ARTICLE{pvk-761, Author = {Morelli, Salvatore and Nolan, Brian and Palomino, Juan C. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Inheritance, gifts and the accumulation of wealth for low-income households}, Journal = {Journal of European Social Policy}, Volume = {31}, Number = {5}, Pages = {533-548}, DOI = {10.1177/09589287211040419}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/09589287211040419}, Year = {2021} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-901, Author = {Todorovic, Jelena and Van Kerm, Philippe and Peluso, Eugenio}, Title = {Time use, childcare and home schooling}, Series = {LISER-MEGA Series on Gender Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic}, Number = {2}, Institution = {Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research}, Address = {Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg}, Month = {November}, URL = {https://liser.elsevierpure.com/en/publications/time-use-childcare-and-home-schooling}, Year = {2021} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-881, Author = {Sauer, Petra and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Higher Education Expansion and Inequality in Labour Incomes: The Importance of a Gendered Perspective}, Series = {Inequality Matters}, Number = {18}, Institution = {LIS Cross-National Data Center}, Address = {Luxembourg}, Month = {June}, URL = {https://www.lisdatacenter.org/newsletter/nl-2021-18-im-1/}, Year = {2021} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-891, Author = {Todorovic, Jelena and Van Kerm, Philippe and Peluso, Eugenio}, Title = {Unemployment and working hours of women and men during the pandemic}, Series = {LISER-MEGA Series on Gender Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic}, Number = {1}, Institution = {Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research}, Address = {Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg}, Month = {August}, URL = {https://liser.elsevierpure.com/en/publications/unemployment-and-working-hours-of-women-and-men-during-the-pandem}, Year = {2021} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-721, Author = {van Acker, Veronique and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Design and implementation of the Socio-Economic Impact Survey}, Editor = {Dijst, Martin }, Booktitle = {Socio-Economic Impacts of {COVID-19}: {C}ollecting the Data}, Series = {Les Rapports du LISER}, Publisher = {Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research}, Address = {Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg}, Chapter = {3}, Pages = {17-30}, Month = {March}, URL = {https://liser.elsevierpure.com/ws/files/26967992/2021_03_18_Rapport_SEI.pdf}, Year = {2021} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-731, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe and Martin, Ludivine}, Title = {Work and living conditions}, Booktitle = {Socio-Economic Impacts of {COVID-19}: {C}ollecting the Data}, Series = {Les Rapports du LISER}, Publisher = {Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research}, Address = {Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg}, Chapter = {2}, Pages = {9-16}, Month = {March}, URL = {https://liser.elsevierpure.com/ws/files/26967992/2021_03_18_Rapport_SEI.pdf}, Year = {2021} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-811, Author = {Fusco, Alessio and Gallo, Giovanni and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Rotation Group Bias in the Estimation of {EU} Social Indicators}, Editor = {Guio, Anne-Catherine and Marlier, Eric and Nolan, Brian }, Booktitle = {Improving the understanding of poverty and social exclusion in {E}urope}, Publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}, Address = {Luxembourg}, Chapter = {17}, Pages = {295-312}, URL = {https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3888793/13572235/KS-02-21-459-EN-N.pdf/7ea44bc6-4b1b-fc5c-e6c9-ed8bc42a4f0c?t=1634563482314}, Year = {2021} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-801, Author = {Fusco, Alessio and Sohst, Rhea Ravenna and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Foreign-born households in the income distribution and their contribution to social indicators in {E}uropean countries}, Editor = {Guio, Anne-Catherine and Marlier, Eric and Nolan, Brian }, Booktitle = {Improving the understanding of poverty and social exclusion in {E}urope}, Publisher = { Publications Office of the European Union}, Address = {Luxembourg}, Chapter = {5}, Pages = {87-102}, URL = {https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3888793/13572235/KS-02-21-459-EN-N.pdf/7ea44bc6-4b1b-fc5c-e6c9-ed8bc42a4f0c?t=1634563482314}, Year = {2021} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-741, Author = {Nolan, Brian and Palomino, Juan C. and Van Kerm, Philippe and Morelli, Salvatore}, Title = {The intergenerational transmission of wealth in rich countries}, Series = {VoxEU}, Number = {19 September 2020}, Institution = { Centre for Economic Policy Research}, Address = {London, United Kingdom}, Month = {September}, URL = {https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/intergenerational-transmission-wealth-rich-countries}, Year = {2020} } @UNPUBLISHED{pvk-851, Author = {Nolan, Brian and Palomino, Juan C. and Van Kerm, Philippe and Morelli, Salvatore}, Title = {The Wealth of Families: The Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth in {B}ritain in Comparative Perspective}, Note = {Report to the Nuffield Foundation, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford}, Month = {August}, URL = {https://www.inet.ox.ac.uk/publications/the-wealth-of-families-the-intergenerational-transmission-of-wealth-in-britain-in-comparative-perspective/}, Year = {2020}, Note = {} } @BOOK{pvk-871, Author = {Decancq, Koen and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {What Drives Inequality?}, Series = {Research on Economic Inequality}, Number = {27}, Publisher = {Emerald Publishing Ltd}, Address = {Bingley, UK}, Month = {September}, DOI = {10.1108/S1049-2585201927}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/S1049-2585201927}, Year = {2019} } @ARTICLE{pvk-414, Author = {Bargain, Olivier and Doorley, Karina and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Minimum Wages and the Gender Gap in Pay: {N}ew Evidence from the {U}nited {K}ingdom and {I}reland}, Journal = {Review of Income and Wealth}, Volume = {65}, Number = {3}, Pages = {514-539}, Month = {September}, DOI = {10.1111/roiw.12384}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/roiw.12384}, Year = {2019} } @ARTICLE{pvk-681, Author = {Ozcan, Berkay and Goisis, Alice and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Do Children Carry the Weight of Divorce?}, Journal = {Demography}, Volume = {56}, Number = {3}, Pages = {785-811}, Month = {June}, DOI = {10.1007/s13524-019-00784-4}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13524-019-00784-4}, Year = {2019} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-911, Author = {Sologon, Denisa M. and Almeida, Vanda and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Accounting for the distributional effects of the 2007-2008 crisis and the {E}conomic {A}djustment {P}rogram in {P}ortugal}, Series = {LISER Working Paper}, Number = {2019-05}, Institution = {Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research}, Address = {Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg}, Month = {April}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:irs:cepswp:2019-05}, Year = {2019} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-751, Author = {Chauvel, Louis and Hartung, Anne and Bar-Haim, Eyal and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Income and Wealth Above the Median: New Measurements and Results for {E}urope and the {U}nited {S}tates}, Editor = {Decancq, Koen and Van Kerm, Philippe }, Booktitle = {What Drives Inequality?}, Series = {Research on Economic Inequality}, Number = {27}, Publisher = {Emerald Publishing Ltd}, Address = {Bingley}, Pages = {89-104}, Month = {September}, DOI = {10.1108/S1049-258520190000027007}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/S1049-258520190000027007}, Year = {2019} } @ARTICLE{pvk-462, Author = {Choe, Chung and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Foreign Workers and the Wage Distribution: {W}hat Does the Influence Function Reveal?}, Journal = {Econometrics}, Volume = {6}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1-26}, Month = {September}, DOI = {10.3390/econometrics6030041}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/econometrics6030041}, Year = {2018} } @ARTICLE{pvk-502, Author = {Sologon, Denisa M. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Modelling earnings dynamics and inequality: foreign workers and inequality trends in {L}uxembourg, 1988--2009}, Journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A: Statistics in Society)}, Volume = {181}, Number = {2}, Pages = {409-440}, Month = {February}, DOI = {10.1111/rssa.12303}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/rssa.12303}, Year = {2018} } @ARTICLE{pvk-514, Author = {Carpantier, Jean-Fran\,cois and Olivera, Javier and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Macroprudential policy and household wealth inequality}, Journal = {Journal of International Money and Finance}, Volume = {85}, Number = {C}, Pages = {262-277}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jimonfin.2017.11.009}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jimonfin.2017.11.009}, Year = {2018} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-671, Author = {Alieva, Aigul and Hildebrand, Vincent A. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {How does the achievement gap between immigrant and native-born pupils progress from primary to secondary education?}, Series = {LISER Working Paper}, Number = {2018-20}, Institution = {Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research}, Address = {Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg}, Month = {December}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:irs:cepswp:2018-20}, Year = {2018} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-841, Author = {Nolan, Brian and Morelli, Salvatore and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Wealth Inequality}, Editor = {Nolan, Brian }, Booktitle = {Generating Prosperity for Working Families in Affluent Countries}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Address = {Oxford, UK}, Chapter = {12}, Pages = {312-334}, Month = {October}, DOI = {10.1093/oso/9780198807056.001.0001}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198807056.001.0001}, Year = {2018} } @ARTICLE{pvk-362, Author = {Hildebrand, Vincent A. and Pi Alperin, Maria Noel and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Measuring and accounting for the deprivation gap of {P}ortuguese immigrants in {L}uxembourg}, Journal = {Review of Income and Wealth}, Volume = {63}, Number = {2}, Pages = {288-309}, Month = {June}, DOI = {10.1111/roiw.12210}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/roiw.12210}, Year = {2017} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-693, Author = {Cowell, Frank A. and Nolan, Brian and Olivera, Javier and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Wealth, Top Incomes, and Inequality}, Editor = {Hamilton, Kirk and Hepburn, Cameron }, Booktitle = {National Wealth: What is Missing, Why it Matters}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Address = {Oxford, UK}, Chapter = {8}, Pages = {175-203}, Month = {September}, URL = {https://global.oup.com/academic/product/national-wealth-9780198803720}, Year = {2017} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-522, Author = {Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {How does attrition affect estimates of persistent poverty rates? {T}he case of {EU-SILC}}, Editor = {Atkinson, Anthony B. and Guio, Anne-Catherine and Marlier, Eric }, Booktitle = {Monitoring Social Inclusion in {E}urope}, Publisher = {Eurostat, European Commission}, Address = {Luxembourg}, Chapter = {22}, Pages = {402-417}, DOI = {10.2785/60152}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2785/60152}, Year = {2017} } @ARTICLE{pvk-406, Author = {Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Assessing Individual Income Growth}, Journal = {Economica}, Volume = {83}, Number = {332}, Pages = {679-703}, Month = {October}, DOI = {10.1111/ecca.12205}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ecca.12205}, Year = {2016} } @ARTICLE{pvk-484, Author = {Selezneva, Ekaterina and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {A distribution-sensitive examination of the gender wage gap in {G}ermany}, Journal = {Journal of Economic Inequality}, Volume = {14}, Number = {1}, Pages = {21-40}, Month = {March}, DOI = {10.1007/s10888-016-9320-z}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10888-016-9320-z}, Year = {2016} } @ARTICLE{pvk-442, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe and Choe, Chung and Yu, Seunghee}, Title = {Decomposing quantile wage gaps: a conditional likelihood approach}, Journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C: Applied Statistics)}, Volume = {65}, Number = {4}, Pages = {507-527}, Month = {August}, DOI = {10.1111/rssc.12137}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/rssc.12137}, Year = {2016} } @ARTICLE{pvk-471, Author = {Cowell, Frank A. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Wealth Inequality: A Survey}, Journal = {Journal of Economic Surveys}, Volume = {29}, Number = {4}, Pages = {671-710}, Month = {September}, DOI = {10.1111/joes.12114}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/joes.12114}, Year = {2015} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-452, Author = {J\äntti, Markus and Sierminska, Eva M. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Modeling the Joint Distribution of Income and Wealth}, Editor = {Garner, Thesia and Short, Kathleen }, Booktitle = {Measurement of Poverty, Deprivation, and Economic Mobility}, Series = {Research on Economic Inequality}, Number = {23}, Publisher = {Emerald Group Publishing Limited}, Pages = {301-327}, Month = {September}, DOI = {10.1108/S1049-258520150000023010}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/S1049-258520150000023010}, Year = {2015} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-531, Author = {Van Lancker, Wim and Marchal, Sarah and Schuerman, Natalie and Van Mechelen, Natascha and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Les r\'epercussions du ch\^omage sur les revenus en {B}elgique dans une perspective comparative}, Editor = {Pannecoucke, I and Lahaye, W and Vranken, Jo and Van Rossem, R }, Booktitle = {Pauvret\'e en {B}elgique: Annuaire 2015}, Publisher = {Academia Press}, Address = {Gent, Belgium}, Year = {2015} } @ARTICLE{pvk-432, Author = {Bia, Michela and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Space-filling location selection}, Journal = {Stata Journal}, Volume = {14}, Number = {3}, Pages = {605-622}, Month = {September}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:14:y:2014:i:3:p:605-622}, Year = {2014} } @ARTICLE{pvk-391, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Book Review of Book Review of The {G}reat {R}ecession and the Distribution of Household Income}, Journal = {Journal of Economic Inequality}, Volume = {12}, Number = {4}, Pages = {597-600}, Month = {December}, DOI = {10.1007/s10888-013-9266-3}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10888-013-9266-3}, Year = {2014} } @ARTICLE{pvk-355, Author = {Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {The Relationship between {EU} Indicators of Persistent and Current Poverty}, Journal = {Social Indicators Research}, Volume = {116}, Number = {2}, Pages = {611-638}, Month = {April}, DOI = {10.1007/s11205-013-0282-2}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11205-013-0282-2}, Year = {2014} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-422, Author = {Fusco, Alessio and Van Kerm, Philippe and Alieva, Aigul and Bellani, Luna and Etienne-Robert, Fanny and Guio, Anne-Catherine and Kyzyma, Iryna and Leduc, Kristell and Li\'egeois, Philippe and Pi Alperin, Maria Noel and Reinstadler, Anne and Sierminska, Eva M. and Sologon, Denisa M. and Thill, Patrick and Valentova, Marie and Voicu, Bogdan}, Title = {{L}uxembourg: Has inequality grown enough to matter?}, Editor = {Nolan, Brian and Salverda, Wiemer and Checchi, Daniele and Marx, Ive and McKnight, Abigail and Tòth, Istvan and van de Werfhorst, Herman }, Booktitle = {Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Address = {Oxford, UK}, Chapter = {19}, Pages = {437-458}, DOI = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199687428.003.0019}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199687428.003.0019}, Year = {2014} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-541, Author = {Brosius, Jacques and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Les in\'egalit\'es de salaire}, Editor = {Marlier, Eric and Brosius, Jacques and Dautel, Vincent and Decoville, Antoine and Durand, Fr\'ed\'eric and Gerber, Philippe and Guio, Anne-Catherine }, Booktitle = {Coh\'esion sociale et territoriale au {L}uxembourg, Regards crois\'es}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Address = {Brussels}, Year = {2014} } @ARTICLE{pvk-333, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Generalized measures of wage differentials}, Journal = {Empirical Economics}, Volume = {45}, Number = {1}, Pages = {465-482}, Month = {August}, DOI = {10.1007/s00181-012-0608-y}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00181-012-0608-y}, Year = {2013} } @ARTICLE{pvk-382, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe and Pi Alperin, Maria Noel}, Title = {Inequality, growth and mobility: The intertemporal distribution of income in {E}uropean countries 2003--2007}, Journal = {Economic Modelling}, Volume = {35}, Number = {C}, Pages = {931-939}, DOI = {10.1016/j.econmod.2013.07.001}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2013.07.001}, Year = {2013} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-551, Author = {J\äntti, Markus and Sierminska, Eva M. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {The joint distribution of income and wealth}, Editor = {Gornick, Janet and J\äntti, Markus }, Booktitle = {Economic Inequality in Cross-National Perspective}, Series = {Social Inequality Series}, Publisher = { Stanford University Press}, Address = {USA}, Year = {2013} } @ARTICLE{pvk-491, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Kernel-smoothed cumulative distribution function estimation with akdensity}, Journal = {Stata Journal}, Volume = {12}, Number = {3}, Pages = {543-548}, Month = {September}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:12:y:2012:i:3:p:543-548}, Year = {2012} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-341, Author = {Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Patterns of persistent poverty: evidence from {EU-SILC}}, Series = {ISER Working Paper}, Number = {2011-30}, Institution = {Institute for Social and Economic Research}, Address = {University of Essex, Colchester, UK}, Month = {November}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ese:iserwp:2011-30}, Year = {2011} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-323, Author = {Hildebrand, Vincent A. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Body size and wages in {E}urope: A semi-parametric analysis}, Series = {CEPS/INSTEAD Working Paper}, Number = {2010-09}, Institution = {CEPS/INSTEAD}, Address = {Differdange, Luxembourg}, Month = {June}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:irs:cepswp:2010-09}, Year = {2010} } @ARTICLE{pvk-13, Author = {Hildebrand, Vincent A. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Income inequality and self-reported health status: Evidence from the {E}uropean {C}ommunity {H}ousehold {P}anel survey}, Journal = {Demography}, Volume = {46}, Number = {4}, Pages = {805-825}, Month = {November}, DOI = {10.1353/dem.0.0071}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/dem.0.0071}, Year = {2009} } @ARTICLE{pvk-313, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Income mobility profiles}, Journal = {Economics Letters}, Volume = {102}, Number = {2}, Pages = {93-95}, Month = {February}, DOI = {10.1016/j.econlet.2008.11.022}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2008.11.022}, Year = {2009} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-561, Author = {Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {The measurement of economic inequality}, Editor = {Salverda, Wiemer and Nolan, Brian and Smeeding, Timothy M.}, Booktitle = {Oxford Handbook on Economic Inequality}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Chapter = {3}, Pages = {40-67}, DOI = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199606061.013.0003}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199606061.013.0003}, Year = {2009} } @ARTICLE{pvk-53, Author = {O'Neill, Donal and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {An Integrated Framework For Analysing Income Convergence}, Journal = {The Manchester School}, Volume = {76}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1-20}, Month = {January}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1467-9957.2007.01047.x}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9957.2007.01047.x}, Year = {2008} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-571, Author = {Fusco, Alessio and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {La progression du niveau de vie entre 2003 et 2006}, Series = {Vivre au Luxembourg -- Chroniques de l'enqu\^ete PSELL-3}, Number = {48}, Institution = {CEPS/INSTEAD}, Address = {Differdange, Luxembourg}, Year = {2008} } @ARTICLE{pvk-371, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {{Stata} tip 54: Post your results}, Journal = {Stata Journal}, Volume = {7}, Number = {4}, Pages = {587-589}, Month = {December}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:7:y:2007:i:4:p:587-589}, Year = {2007} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-301, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Extreme incomes and the estimation of poverty and inequality indicators from {EU-SILC}}, Series = {IRISS Working Paper}, Number = {2007-01}, Institution = {CEPS/INSTEAD}, Address = {Differdange, Luxembourg}, Month = {February}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:irs:iriswp:2007-01}, Year = {2007} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-581, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe and Villeret, Anne}, Title = {Difficile de joindre les deux bouts? {L}a satisfaction des m\'enages luxembourgeois quant \`a leur situation financi\`ere}, Series = {Vivre au Luxembourg -- Chroniques de l'enqu\^ete PSELL-3}, Number = {36}, Institution = {CEPS/INSTEAD}, Address = {Differdange, Luxembourg}, Year = {2007} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-302, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Extreme incomes and the estimation of poverty and inequality indicators from {EU-SILC}}, Booktitle = {Comparative {EU} Statistics on Income and Living Conditions: Issues and Challenges}, Series = {Proceedings of the EU-SILC Conference, Helsinki, 6-8 November 2006}, Publisher = {Eurostat, European Commission}, Address = {Luxembourg}, Pages = {83-94}, Year = {2007} } @ARTICLE{pvk-75, Author = {Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Trends in income inequality, pro-poor income growth and income mobility}, Journal = {Oxford Economic Papers}, Volume = {58}, Number = {3}, Pages = {531-548}, Month = {July}, DOI = {10.1093/oep/gpl014}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oep/gpl014}, Year = {2006} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-591, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Gender differences in wage growth and promotion in {L}uxembourg}, Editor = {Mahy, Bernard and Plasman, Robert and Ryckx, Fran\,cois }, Booktitle = {Gender pay differentials: Cross-national evidence from micro-data}, Series = {Applied Econometrics Association Series}, Publisher = {Palgrave MacMillan}, Pages = {76-95}, DOI = {10.1057/9780230504028}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230504028}, Year = {2006} } @ARTICLE{pvk-44, Author = {Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Accounting for income distribution trends: A density function decomposition approach}, Journal = {Journal of Economic Inequality}, Volume = {3}, Pages = {43-61}, Month = {April}, DOI = {10.1007/s10888-004-8309-1}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10888-004-8309-1}, Year = {2005} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-601, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Qui se ressemble s'assemble?}, Series = {Vivre au Luxembourg -- Chroniques de l'enqu\^ete PSELL-3}, Number = {10}, Institution = {CEPS/INSTEAD}, Address = {Differdange, Luxembourg}, Year = {2005} } @ARTICLE{pvk-92, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {What lies behind income mobility? {R}eranking and distributional change in {B}elgium, {W}estern {G}ermany and the {USA}}, Journal = {Economica}, Volume = {71}, Number = {281}, Pages = {223-239}, Month = {May}, DOI = {10.1111/j.0013-0427.2004.00367.x}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.0013-0427.2004.00367.x}, Year = {2004} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-62, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Une \'evaluation \'econom\'etrique des flux vers et hors de la pauvret\'e en {B}elgique}, Editor = {Doutrelepont, Ren\'e and Mortelmans, Dimitri and Casman, Marie-Th\'er\`ese }, Booktitle = {Onze ans de vie en {B}elgique. Analyses socio-\'economiques \`a  partir du {P}anel {D}\'emographie {F}amiliale}, Series = {Science et soci\'et\'e}, Publisher = {Academia Press}, Address = {Gent, Belgium}, Pages = {251-272}, Month = {November}, Year = {2004} } @ARTICLE{pvk-151, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Adaptive kernel density estimation}, Journal = {Stata Journal}, Volume = {3}, Number = {2}, Pages = {148-156}, Month = {June}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:3:y:2003:i:2:p:148-156}, Year = {2003} } @ARTICLE{pvk-102, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {On the magnitude of income mobility in {G}ermany}, Journal = {Schmollers Jahrbuch/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies}, Volume = {1/2003}, Month = {January}, Year = {2003} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-81, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {An anatomy of household income volatility in {E}urope}, Series = {CHER Working Paper}, Number = {16}, Institution = {CEPS/INSTEAD}, Address = {Differdange, Luxembourg}, Month = {July}, URL = {https://www.liser.lu/?type=module\&id=104\&tmp=3316}, Year = {2003} } @ARTICLE{pvk-291, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Une perspective longitudinale sur la pauvret\'e en {B}elgique}, Journal = {Refl\êts et perspectives de la vie \économique}, Volume = {2002/03}, Pages = {23-36}, DOI = {10.3917/rpve.413.0023 }, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/rpve.413.0023 }, Year = {2002} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-122, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Some new evidence on low income turnover in {B}elgium}, Editor = {Moyes, Patrick and Seidl, Christian and Shorrocks, Anthony }, Booktitle = {Inequalities: Theory, experiments and applications}, Series = {Journal of Economics supplement issues}, Number = {9}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Address = {Vienna, Austria}, Pages = {341-363}, Month = {December}, DOI = {10.1007/BF03052510}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF03052510}, Year = {2002} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-112, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Inference on inequality measures: A {M}onte {C}arlo experiment}, Editor = {Moyes, Patrick and Seidl, Christian and Shorrocks, Anthony }, Booktitle = {Inequalities: Theory, experiments and applications}, Series = {Journal of Economics supplement issues}, Number = {9}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Address = {Vienna, Austria}, Pages = {283-306}, Month = {December}, DOI = {10.1007/BF03052508}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF03052508}, Year = {2002} } @ARTICLE{pvk-161, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe and Jenkins, Stephen P.}, Title = {Generalized {L}orenz curves and related graphs: An update for {S}tata 7}, Journal = {Stata Journal}, Volume = {1}, Number = {1}, Pages = {107-112}, Month = {November}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:1:y:2001:i:1:p:107-112}, Year = {2001} } @BOOK{pvk-281, Author = {Bergstr\"om, Theodore and Varian, Hal}, Title = {Exercices de micro\'economie (Volume 2)}, Publisher = {De Boeck Universit\'e}, Address = {Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium}, URL = {http://www.deboecksuperieur.com/ouvrage/9782804156091-exercices-de-microeconomie-volume-2}, Year = {2000}, Note = {} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-212, Author = {Gevers, Louis and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Evolution r\'ecente de la dispersion des revenus et de la pauvret\'e en {B}elgique. {Q}ue nous apprennent les bases de donn\'ees socio-\'economiques f\'ed\'erales?}, Editor = {Jurion, Bernard and Pestieau, Pierre }, Booktitle = {Finances publiques, finances priv\'ees}, Publisher = {Les Editions de l'Universit\'e de Li\`ege}, Address = {Belgium}, Pages = {59-74}, Year = {2000} } @ARTICLE{pvk-172, Author = {Jenkins, Stephen P. and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Generalized {L}orenz curves and related graphs}, Journal = {Stata Technical Bulletin}, Volume = {48}, Pages = {25-29}, Month = {March}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:48:sg107}, Year = {1999} } @ARTICLE{pvk-182, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Computing poverty indices}, Journal = {Stata Technical Bulletin}, Volume = {48}, Pages = {29-33}, Month = {March}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:48:sg108}, Year = {1999} } @ARTICLE{pvk-192, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Simple and multiple correspondence analysis in {Stata}}, Journal = {Stata Technical Bulletin}, Volume = {42}, Pages = {32-37}, Month = {March}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:42:sg78}, Year = {1998} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-131, Author = {Hoet-Mulquin, Marie-Eve and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Le revenu des {B}elges: plat pays ou montagne russe?}, Series = {Cahiers de recherche de la Facult\'e des Sciences \'economiques, sociales et de gestion}, Number = {203}, Institution = {University of Namur}, Address = {Namur, Belgium}, Month = {April}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:fth:nodapa:203}, Year = {1998} } @INCOLLECTION{pvk-231, Author = {Hoet-Mulquin, Marie-Eve and Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {Une \'evaluation de la mobilit\'e des revenus en {B}elgique sur base des trois premi\`eres vagues du {PSBH}}, Booktitle = {Portrait socio-\'economique de la Belgique, Treizi\`eme Congr\`es des Economistes belges de Langue fran\,caise}, Publisher = {Centre Inter-universitaire de Formation Permanente}, Address = {Charleroi, Belgium}, Pages = {109-126}, Year = {1998} } @TECHREPORT{pvk-141, Author = {Van Kerm, Philippe}, Title = {From `{S}tate {D}omestic {P}roduct' to `Real Income' as a way to measure levels of living in {I}ndia, some tentative adjustments}, Series = {Cahiers de recherche de la Facult\'e des Sciences \'economiques, sociales et de gestion}, Number = {184}, Institution = {University of Namur}, Address = {Namur, Belgium}, Month = {March}, URL = {http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:fth:nodapa:184}, Year = {1997} }